Friday, October 16, 2009

I thank God everyday, remembering you in my prayers

If you have ever read any of Paul's letters in the Bible, then you will know that at the end of every letter there was a list of people that took up a whole chapter that Paul wanted to greet or thank.
This is what this post is intended to do-thank those who contributed to my writing and my life.
To some, it may not matter, but to me, I don't take the time to say, "Thank you," often enough. So, in a small way here is to the following people:

The people I know personally:

My Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who saved me and brought me back into fellowship with the living God through His death on the cross. He created this world, and I hope that my writings might express His glory in one way or another.

My wife, Amanda, for encouraging me to be myself, even when I think my ideas are quite odd, and for agreeing to share the rest of our lives together.

My parents-for allowing me to be myself and giving me powerful examples of faith to emulate, to ask questions of and raising me to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Also, my dad introduced me to Star Trek and Star Wars early which led me to an interest in both those shows and science fiction in general.

Grandpa Longpre-although I did not know him long, his influence on my dad has continued to influence me, specifically in a love of science fiction. Dad always said his dad would be fascinated by the technology of today, and was a big Star Trek fan.

Mom-mom and Pop-pop-the other set of grandparents who also provide a powerful role model of faith and Christian living.

Uncle John-probably the second most important person as far as introducing me to science fiction. Not only did he introduce me to authors like Heinlien, Herbert, Weber and many others. Also, he took me to many science fiction conventions as well as being a hero to myself and others.

Marie-a friend of mine who also encourages me in both my faith and to be myself. Probably the one person who knows how crazy I can be (besides my wife) and as stuck by me through many difficult circumstances. She also has been a fun person to debate about various topics from theology to politics.

Spencer-you probably never realized what all our talks about fiction, computers game and weapons were actually influencing my writing. I enjoyed our talks because it gave me insight in things that I had never before considered.

Phil Thompson-well, he taught me more things with regards to life, construction and logging than can be recorded here. Suffice to say that this man influenced me more in spiritual things and how to make my faith more real and day to day.

Barney Corbin-a man who deserves a lot of recognition as a quiet leader and example of faith. I learned a lot about how to think about my faith and some good military tactics too.
John-my partner in crime for the longest time, as far as writing and creativity goes. John is a change agent, someone who creates ideas and then discussed them with me. This led to where I am right now as far as story ideas go. He also taught me the importance of good design, and purposeful effects versus just pretty.

Mrs. Heather Solsvick-not many teachers will give a student an A on a paper that ended up being 56 pages long for an 8-10 page assignment. But, she did and that is what motivated me to continue writing Christian sci-fi.

Mr. Ivan Benson-The teacher who knew pretty much everything and you could talk to about everything. He also encouraged me through the tough times to be myself (or blue, as we called it).

RJ, Brad and Will Brown-tried and true friends who show the meaning of faithful brothers regardless of circumstances.

Stan-helped me to understand the importance of the filming process as well as listening to my crazy ideas about films. I am sure he disagreed with me more often than not.

William H-a smart man and a good cook who is fun for a debate on any topic as well as a challenging opponent in those intellectual debates.

To those I know and are not listed-thank you because everyone I have known as touched me in some way.

People I do not know personally but still influence my writing:

J.R.R. Tolkein-if there is one man who influences my style it would Mr. Lord of the Rings himself. I am sure I am not the first to be inspired by Middle Earth, but it is Tolkein's attitude towards writing and creativity and God that influences me the most and pushes me towards in depth creation.

C.S. Lewis-a close friend of Tolkein's, Lewis helped me to understand the idea of a "supposal", creating a supposed world and how would God intervene in that world.

George Lucas-of course, many people could probably cite Lucas as an influence, but what I have appreciated most about Lucas' work is his creativity and originality. He also took the idea of fantasy and scifi and created a bit of a blend.

Cael-that isn't even his real name, but this computer programmer never met me, and I never met him. He did teach me that nothing should be done without a purpose when it came to designing video games. The same applies to writing too.

To you-I may not know you in person, but I appreciate your interest and comments.

Thanks for reading!